Thursday, January 28, 2010

Today was a rough day

I really don't mean to complain but i do want to share my rough day with everyone or no one for that matter. I woke up really late to school so i barley had time to throw anything together. I got to school trying to make myself look like a human being not a creature from the black lagoon, didn't quit work. Then i get to gym thinking physical activity is just what i need and guess what happens! all the butt head jocks won't even give me a chance to show my stuff. Gotta hate those big heads sometimes. The rest of the day I'm excited to get out so i can go and see the boy that makes my day shine brighter. I almost get into a wreck on the freeway, finally get there, and we are both in horrible down right ugly moods. Softball went alright but i wish I could have done better. Now I'm finally home looking back and laughing about this whole 14 hour day. I really love these days at the end it gives me a new taste of reality, How things are going to be horrid sometimes and still i will get through them (trust me you will too!) Of coarse I'm wishing for a better day tomorrow but honestly today was a lesson to learn, just like every day.

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