Monday, January 25, 2010

where to begin

i was told today that i should write every day just to keep my head going and my fingers moving. with that i decided to start a blog i don't know what I'm going to write in this blog but i believe that it is a good idea and will help me through everything. i will start by writing the little things just to get the feel of things maybe uploading a few pics and trying to make some friends then i think I'm going to start to get personal and maybe make some announcements. so here i go on my blog adventure

1 comment:

  1. there is validity in the truism 'a writer, writes.' it's how you find your voice, and define your style. it's equally true that a writer lives; there's something about being out in the world and being part of conversations that fuels creative juices. I wish you success on your adventures; enjoy the process and hone your skills! I'm looking forward to reading your musings.

